miércoles, 20 de enero de 2010

In English

If you have a relative with legal problems in Venezuela, You can call to set up a free, non obligation initial consultation to discuss your case, contact us at ordendeabogados@gmail.com
We can offer you legal advice and can represent you to ensure that your legal rights are protected.
We are the Best Criminal Defense Attorneys in Venezuela, we are "La Orden de Abogados de Venezuela", we have successfully helped many people from many countries around the world.
We are an experienced legal team to help foreigners with a legal situation in Venezuela, there are a lot of people who will take advantage of your condition and may try to create further problems for you, beign in a Venezuela Jail is very hard for anybody much more for a foreigner, our attorneys speak perfect english, so you can feel confortable with our defense.
This videos can show a little of how hard the system is in Venezuela
Locked Up in Venezuela